My credit scores are decent, in the mid-600s, can credit repair benefit me?
Every point on your credit score matters! Credit repair offers benefits to anyone who would like to improve their score. The FICO scoring model goes as high as 850. We are aware of lenders that employ tiered interest rate pricing schedules which trigger rate differences up to a credit score of 780. If your score is above 780 it is safe to say that there would be little or nothing for us to do, but a score in the mid-600s suggests that there are many proactive credit repair steps that could be taken to optimize your scores.
When in Doubt…
If you are in doubt we suggest that you sign up for our credit repair program. If, after an examination of your credit, we determine that there is nothing for us to do there will be no charge or obligation. But you will have the peace of mind of knowing that you explored the possibility.
Potential Benefits
It is also worth mentioning that even if we find that there is nothing for us to work on we may still discover actions that you can take to boost your scores. This may include opening accounts, closing accounts, reducing balances, or in some other way restructuring the content of your report. In a situation like this we will always share these tips with you at no charge. Potential credit repair benefits are substantial and there is no downside. Regardless of your score you should explore the benefits of credit repair today!