Is there anything that credit repair can do to improve my scores in a big hurry?
Yes! There are many ways that credit repair can boost your credit scores in a short period of time. And our approach to credit repair will insure that every opportunity is taken advantage of.
Your Credit Repair Time Horizon
Of course, speed is a relative concept. In six months almost anything is possible, and a thirty to sixty day time horizon offers its own spectrum of credit repair opportunities. But if you are truly in a “big hurry” and you only have a week or two the credit repair possibilities more limited, but could still amount to over 100 points or more.
Six Months to Repair Your Credit
With six months available for credit repair we will examine everything on your credit report, identify all of the questionable information, and send disputes to the credit bureaus. The goal is to clean up everything that does not belong on your. Depending on your starting point, six months may be enough to transform your entire credit report. In addition, our credit repair method includes an evaluation of the adequacy of your open accounts. Many people starting our credit repair program do not have any open accounts. If this is the case, we will help you open a couple of small credit cards and instruct you on managing them for score optimization, and six months is the perfect amount of time to get the full credit repair benefit from your new accounts.
Thirty Days to Repair Your Credit
If you only have thirty to sixty days to improve your credit we will want to carefully select the items on your report that will have the largest impact on your scores. This does not necessarily differ from the approach to your credit repair that we would have given a longer time frame, but it might guide our choice of items. With a thirty to sixty day time frame we would need to skip the credit rebuilding part of the credit repair process, not because it takes six months to see the full score benefit of new accounts, but because your scores will actually fall for the first two to three months that the new accounts report. With this shortened time frame there may also be a credit repair opportunity to increase your scores by reducing revolving balances.
A One Week Rush
With only a week or two available you will get no benefit from credit repair disputes, but this does not mean that there is nothing that can be done. We will examine the content of your credit report and identify every short term score optimization opportunity. These may include reducing revolving balances and exploring any issues for which documentation evidencing resolution may be available. If you are planning to get a mortgage you will be able to have your mortgage originator employ Rapid Rescore to update your scores based on these credit repair tactics. Rapid Rescore normally is completed within three business days.