There is nothing like the feeling that comes from re-taking control of your credit life. It is easy to let problems sit on the back burner, but problems ignored tend to grow. Credit issues untreated beget financial woes. To top it off our subconscious eventually rebels and creates discomfort. But finally we take action, and what a relief it is.
Intervention is Needed
The funny thing about the credit reporting system is that in spite of the widely held belief that time will cure whatever ails us, it turns out that time is not our friend at all. The propensity of the reporting system to spawn and perpetuate errors virtually guarantees that without proper intervention in the form of credit repair many of your credit errors will linger well beyond their expiration date.
It is About the Machine
It is not really the fault of the credit bureaus per se. The errors we target in our credit repair program are usually the result of systemic failures that come from the interaction of the bureaus with creditors, collectors, and the service bureaus that channel courthouse information. And there are problems caused by the failure of some of the participants to comply with the rules. Some collectors are sadly and consistently remiss.
The Final Answer
The final answer is that it is up to you. Credit repair works, and ultimately the future of your credit is in your hands (or ours, as the case may be). Derogatory information cannot be seen as automatically correct simply because it is in writing. Errors are the norm, and your credit reports must be examined with a critical eye (our job).
Time Becomes Your Friend
Once you are enrolled in our credit repair program however, time will become your friend. An intelligent approach to cleaning up errors and mitigating damage will, month by month, transform your credit report until it is something that you are proud of. And as important, something you can use. It is a great day.