You have worked hard to rebuild your credit. Perhaps you have been in our program and invested in your credit repair through our monthly fees. Your results are precious and should be preserved. A few precautions will insure that you maintain your hard won credit repair success.
Build a Savings Account
A saving account is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Get into the habit of setting aside a little of your income each month and before long you will discover the wonders of savings. You will have the wonderful feeling of knowing that your credit repair success is safe. When an unexpected expense arises you will manage easily without falling behind on your bills.
Create a Budget
Protect your credit repair results by taking control of your finances with a budget. A budget will not take the joy out of your life; on the contrary you will discover a new kind of inner peace that comes from living within your means. Once you have a complete picture of your finances you will be able to make informed spending decisions that will fit comfortably within your income.
Try Auto-Payments
Once you have achieved any degree of credit repair success it is imperative that you make all of your payments on time. There is nothing that can hurt your credit repair like a late payment. Most creditors offer an auto-payment option that will insure that your payments arrive on time. If you don’t opt for auto-payment make sure to create a bill paying system; don’t let anything fall through the cracks.
Monitor Your Credit Reports
Once your credit report is nice and tidy, make sure that nothing goes wrong again. Try joining a monthly monitoring service. These are offered by all three credit bureaus. A monitoring service will advise you of activity on your credit report. If an old derogatory issue comes to life you will be notified and be able to act quickly with a bit of credit repair. You credit is important, so make the effort and preserve your credit repair success.