The discovery of an account on your credit report which does not belong to you can be alarming. But there is no need to panic; the right credit repair strategy will resolve the situation before you know it.
Double Check Your Facts
There is a credit repair solution for identity theft that is easy to implement, but before taking action it is worth confirming the real problem. Review all three of your credit reports and circle the accounts you don’t recognize. Once done you should call the creditors and ask them if they have such an account in your name. If they don’t, you are not a victim of identity theft but of a less invasive problem called a file merger error. File merger errors are easily resolved by writing to the credit bureaus. If you are in our credit repair program we will take care of this for you and you should expect the issue to be fixed within 30 days.
Get a Police Report
If the creditor confirms that the account belongs to you and you know for a fact that it is not yours you need to utilize the right credit repair strategy. Take your three credit reports to the police station and ask them to provide an identity theft report. You will need to send this report to the credit bureaus along with a signed statement that the accounts in question are not the result of any transaction entered into by you, as well as copies of your identification. Within a few days of receiving your request the subject items will be blocked from reporting and an investigation will commence. Please contact us for more specific instructions that may be relevant to your circumstances.
Now Protect Yourself
Once you have been a victim of identity theft you will want to make sure that it does not happen again. All three credit bureaus offer very inexpensive credit monitoring programs that will alert you of all activity on your credit report including inquiries. This excellent credit repair tool will give you a chance to prevent a problem before it matures.