Credit repair is capable of transforming your credit report, raising your scores, and making your credit reports look good to prospective lenders. The final result should allow you to qualify for better financing, meet requirements of landlords, utilities, phone companies, employers, and more. But to get the best results from credit repair there are a few things you should know.
Choose a Professional
Credit repair is not about sending pre-formatted dispute letters to the credit bureaus, over and over, hoping to chip away at the errors. And yet, there are some software based companies that do nothing more than that. In fact, there is a proliferation of these services that are built around virtually the same software program. Sign up, log on, pick the accounts you want to dispute, and the company will send letters. This approach is certain to leave you with only a small percent of the results you can get from a genuine, professional approach to the process.
Getting the Real Value
A significant number of score-damaging errors on credit reports come from rule violations by the credit bureaus, creditors, and collectors. These errors can be tricky to spot. It is not as simple as noticing an account that does not belong to you, or a late payment that never happened. Rule violations require experience and knowledge to identify. This is a big part of the value that a professional credit repair service, like Sky Blue Credit Repair, brings to the table.
Every Little Point Counts
If you join a service that asks you choose the items you wish to dispute, you may very well miss a number of golden opportunities to fix your credit and raise your scores. In our experience, these missed opportunities are often the largest contributor to the credit score improvement available. And don’t forget, your credit score has practical applications, many of which translate into money.
Doing it Right
You should also know that not all dispute letters are equally effective. Our credit repair process includes customized, focused letters that are designed to address both the specific issue, as well as the credit bureaus prior response, in the case that they did not correct the problem after the prior request. Sending the same letter out over and over will drag the process out needlessly.
Score Building Services
Beyond the dispute process, there is still more that can be done to optimize your credit scores; in many cases these extra services can make the difference between success and failure. Your new cleaned up report is half the battle won, but if you want great credit you must structure the content of your report in a way that will cause FICO to reward you fully.
You Are Invited
We will guide you through these final, score-boosting steps which may include restructuring the content of your report, opening and closing accounts, building and managing credit, and whatever your unique situation calls for. Each of these steps is critical if you want to realize to full potential of credit repair. Take a few minutes to join us today and see what a professional credit repair service can do for your credit reports, and your life.