Credit repair is not for everyone. If you are currently having trouble paying your bills credit repair is not the solution. There is no point in starting the process of cleaning up your credit report if new derogatory information is appearing each month. The time to start a credit repair program is after you have stabilized your finances and are certain of meeting your current obligations.
Bankruptcy as an Option
If you are unable to meet your monthly obligations there are two viable ways to get relief; we suggest you investigate both possibilities before proceeding. The first option is bankruptcy. The bankruptcy Abuse Prevention Act of 2005 made it more difficult to discharge debt in a bankruptcy, and established qualifying guidelines known as a “means test”. Those that do not meet this test for discharge under Chapter 7 may be placed in a Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan. Please contact a bankruptcy attorney to help you evaluate your qualifications.
Consumer Credit Counseling
The second avenue available for consumers in search of debt relief is consumer credit counseling. Consumer credit counseling involves a comprehensive evaluation of your financial condition. Remedies offered in CCCS programs include creditor negotiation, debt consolidation, and helping you establish a manageable budget centered on your new CCCS repayment plan. We will be happy to refer you to a reputable non-profit consumer credit counseling service.
Clean Up With Credit Repair
Once you complete a bankruptcy or a CCCS repayment plan you should explore the possibility of credit repair. Both bankruptcy and consumer credit counseling tend to leave a long trail of credit reporting errors. For most people in this situation credit repair is a necessity. Feel free to contact us for a free review of your credit reports. We will be happy to assess your situation and evaluate the potential benefits of credit repair.