Can judgments be negotiated?
If a credit repair customer wishes to pay a judgment we always suggest the possibility of negotiation. Like any debt there are several factors which can contribute to the willingness of the creditor (or plaintiff) to settle. The age of the judgment is a big factor. It is better to get some money than to get nothing, and if enough time has elapsed the plaintiff may think of payment as a windfall.
Negotiation Factors
Of course, the success of negotiation really depends on the attitude of the plaintiff. Some people are just plain hard-headed and will refuse to settle. This does not mean that it is not worth a shot. You will need to assess the case and plan your strategy in advance. If you are in our credit repair program we will help you with this.
Consider an Attorney
If the judgment is large, or if your experience with the plaintiff makes you believe that communication will be met with aggression, you may consider hiring an attorney to make the contact. In some credit repair efforts, the presence of an attorney can inspire a degree of respect and contribute to a better outcome.
Credit Repair Results
There is a bit of good news as far as your credit repair program is concerned. Paid judgments get preferential treatment by the credit bureaus and will be removed from your credit report 7 years after the filing date, rather than the date of payment. So if the judgment you are paying is old enough, it may fall right off your report once it is paid.