There are some aspects of your credit repair program that will take time to bear fruit. But there are also a few things you can do to accelerate your progress and even get a quick and substantial credit score boost. Are you ready?
Reduce Your Revolving Balances
You are going to hear us repeat this over and over, but it is important. Your revolving balances have a major affect on your scores. High revolving balances mean low credit scores, and vice versa. For a real credit repair boost pay down your balances. If you have the means, reduce your balances to less than 20 percent of the total card limit and watch your scores take off.
Become an Authorized User
If you have a family member or friend with excellent credit, ask them to add you to one of their credit cards as an authorized user. It’s easy, they do not even have to give you a copy of the card and they can remove you anytime. When the credit card company reports to the credit bureaus you will inherit the score benefit of the donor’s account. The donor’s credit card must have a perfect payment history, be at least three years old, and have a reasonably low balance relative to its limit.
Question Collections
When a collector sells a debt to another collector or returns it to the original creditor they are supposed to cease reporting, but they rarely do. If you are in our credit repair program we will examine all of your collection accounts, research the statutes of limitation, and identify all of the questionable collection accounts. If you are not in our program please note that these accounts must be examined very carefully to avoid complications. But if you do your homework, these can be disputed for a quick and effective credit repair boost.