When you start with Sky Blue we provide you with a detailed analysis of your credit report. Our goal is to provide the most complete information possible about potential dispute candidates.
Hard-to-Spot Issues
Some reporting errors are easy to identify, such as accounts that are not yours. But many reporting errors are difficult to spot.
For example, collectors are required to cease reporting when they sell an account to another collector. So, if you notice multiple collectors reporting the same debt, there is a problem, and one that needs to be disputed.
Risky Disputes
Some accounts should be disputed with caution. Certain collectors may intensify collection efforts upon receiving a dispute and are best approached with a debt validation letter. Accounts within the statute of limitation may trigger a summons and should be disputed with documentation.
We will flag situations that need special care, and dispute only after strategizing with you.
Smart Disputes Pay Off
Many companies merely enter your accounts into their software and ask you to select the accounts you wish to dispute with no expert analysis at all – almost certainly eliminating potentially valuable deletions.